Trails Wiki

Private Hector, a NPC met at Sanktheim Gate

Private Hector is a soldier serving in the Royal Army.

He's stationed at Sanktheim Gate checkpoint separating the cities Zeiss and Grancel and can be found guarding the gate on the Zeiss side.

Like his colleague Jules, he encourages Estelle and Joshua to explore the Ahnenburg Wall, the wall surrounding the Grancel region of which the checkpoint is part of. While he claims that the novelty of working at a national monument has already worn off for him and the rest of the soldiers, he still can't help but marvel at how such a large structure could have been built without the help of orbments.

Like many at the checkpoint, Hector has a difficult time understanding why the security inspections of travellers suddenly gets called off without the culprits of the attack on Central Factory having been caught, but since it's an order from the higher-ups and the inspections were so dull to begin with, he doesn't question it.

Tammy, the waitress of the mess hall, thinks he's cute, though she's still more attracted to Private Jules.


Private Hector is a collegue of Private Wayne, Private Jules, Private Chesley, Private Wolpe and Private Olnis

He's also a subordinate of Chief Watch Officer Dale and Watch Officer Talbot
